syrupyy's icon syrupyy Verified User Bisexual Nonbinary Whipped Coffee Enjoyer Nomnomnom

one other thing.
i've noticed that there's a lot of text posts going around feeling scared/angry about "the drama", and. god i hate to be the one to say this-
99% of the drama posts are about the drama posts. if you want the drama to end, stop posting about it. simple as that!
some of you post like 20 times an hour and it's clear some of those thoughts just... don't need to be shared. i'm seeing some people against the studio helper feature because they saw someone having a panic attack over it, when in reality they're having a panic attack over other people freaking out, over like... 3 total posts about the studio helper feature. so, we're now left with 30 posts of people losing their mind over the problem and 3 posts actually about the problem, and it's only drama because of those 30 posts. so, the solution is to just not make those 30 posts
if you feel like you messed up, apologize and move on. otherwise, try to make a comic about something else, or close the tab if you need to


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