NotDemonCoreOld's icon NotDemonCoreOld Androgyne Minecraft Battle for Dream Island Bronze Trophy Silver Trophy

this isnt gonna go INSANE, but, lets do this.

Everyone, I am going on hiatus. I will not quit, don't fret, but, I need a mental health break. Vote this, Lolzers, whatever. I just need like 2-3 days to calm down. My sleep schedule is messed up, and right now where I am writing this, it is 1:00 AM. So, You can do whatever, I just want you guys to know this. Not like anyone is gonna see this, but I just needed to say that i will not dissapear. See ya in 2-3 days! If there is drama, SOMEONE EXPLAIN IT TO ME WHEN I'M BACK. anyway, catch ya'll on the flip side! My last word before hiatus: Swedish.


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