Raspberry_Lemonade's icon Raspberry_Lemonade

part three

pink lemonade cookie opens her door

pink lemonade cookie: hi RT!

raspberry tea cookie: hi PK! you sound tired, are you okay?

pink lemonade cookie: yeah, you can come in if you want to, i might take a nap.

raspberry tea cookie: i’m also feeling a little tired, i’ll still come in though

raspberry tea walks into the house as pink lemonade cookie collapses on to her bed

raspberry tea cookie: i might as well get her a blanket, i don’t want her to be cold, i guess i’ll sleep on the couch.

pink lemonade cookie: nooo :< i want you to sleep with me

raspberry tea cookie: okay then,

raspberry tea cookie lays down on pink lemonade cookie’s bed, hugging her, as they both fall asleep

the end


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