Raspberry_Lemonade's icon Raspberry_Lemonade

Part one
pink lemonade cookie and raspberry tea cookie are just laying down on a hill, stargazing

Raspberry tea cookie: hey PK, have you ever thought about how many different universes there are? There could be one where we never met.

Pink lemonade cookie: I wouldn’t like that, it’s good that we are friends.

Raspberry tea cookie: ….

Pink lemonade cookie: what’s on your mind RT?

Raspberry tea cookie: ….. PK, I think- I think I like you.

Pink lemonade cookie: really? Well I like you too,

Raspberry tea cookie: no, I mean, I think I like-like you, like, love you!

Pink lemonade cookie: oh! Well, I didn’t know you felt like that! To be honest, I think I have feelings for you too.

Raspberry tea cookie: really?

Pink lemonade cookie: yeah.

Raspberry tea cookie: I love you PK.

Pink lemonade cookie: I love you too RT.

End of part one


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