charitysfoxes's icon charitysfoxes Nomnomnom

Perhaps I should keep my username with capitalization like this, as it seems more people have realized that there is indeed an "s" after the "y"... (I won't)

Anyway, the current state of my studio, in the "Cookie Run" tab, was actually pretty painful to put together. I had to check over 50 folders to ensure the Cookie's name was at the top and the folder had the appropriate icon, then I had to drag those nearly 50 folders over some other 50 folders. Such a process was quite annoying, but I believe it was worth it!

(I kind of want to keep my studio in this state for another day, haha. It's annoying, but the characters' folders aren't actually deleted. They're just somewhere close. I just think it's still goofy and makes the studio more random at the moment. :])

(Man, I should post casually like this even when it's not the first of April...)


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