TFM: Jumbo Josh Club Comic Studio TFM: Jumbo Josh Club Comic Studio
F vs. The Evil Finny the Shark Cast 4 (it begins)

F vs. The Evil Finny the Shark Cast 4 (it begins)

From TFM: Jumbo Josh Club Comic Studio

by BandCOfficial_yummycupcakes2763 Studio Creator Larva Llama Great Value You Tried dido
Shared April 27, 2024 at 10:37 PM ∙ Edited

Part of the series

The Evilization Virus

The more lore it gains, the more we’ll find out what happened. You can become evilized when you take too much damage caused by the evilized variants of the Finny the Shark cast/letters. F and the numbers are immune to this stuff. It’s kinda like a zombie apocalypse.


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