Pink_BlossomsZ's icon Pink_BlossomsZ

I'm quitting. Main reasons are because there is a lot of drama and toxicity on this site, I wanna improve on my art instead of being able to easily create comics, and my mental health is garbage. I'll still be active on tumblr and fandom once I take a break to chill with friends and talk with family, but once I finish drawing my Affopome art and "Adopting a cake hound! No, wait, a cream wolf!" pt 2, I won't be posting anymore. For a long time I've been spending most of my day scrolling through the internet or playing multiplayer video games and witnessing toxicity or getting toxicity thrown at me, going to sleep, waking up, and the cycle repeats. I have big black bags under my eyes, I don't take care of myself, I'm easily irritated, I'm upset, I don't feel like myself anymore and I feel like everything is worthless... I'm tired of it... I don't want this to get worse... The internet and video games used to be my safe space... Now I've become addicted and I changed for the worse... 1/2


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