Spanish Alphabet Lores Comic Studio Spanish Alphabet Lores Comic Studio
My version of a Spanish Lore (PART 21) (READ DESC)

My version of a Spanish Lore (PART 21) (READ DESC)

From Spanish Alphabet Lores Comic Studio

by MLPABCLoreFan
Shared November 14, 2023 at 8:51 PM

Part of the series

My version of a Spanish Lore

I decided to use a new comic studio for the rest of my Spanish Lore, so that it would be easier to pick out sprites instead of using the "Studio Crossover" tab 2763 times just to get the sprite I wanted, since the studio that I used for parts 1-20 didn't have all the sprites in it.

If you wanted to see the first 20 parts, click "Part of the series; My version of a Spanish Lore" above the desc.


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