Chonny Jash Comic Studio Chonny Jash Comic Studio
thevoidgalactic's icon thevoidgalactic Studio Creator

Hello all, and welcome to the beta version of the Chonny Jash Comic Studio (CJCS)! If you found this during beta, I do apologize for the lack of content. This is currently an in-progress studio.

But, while you’re here, here are my current plans for this studio!

1. Canon HMSW sprites. This will include designs for Heart, Mind, Soul, and Whole that are as close to canon as I can get them. May also include Darrell.

2. Jashverse sprites. Essentially, these are variations of Chonny Jash based off of several of his releases, including the Power Hour Project and his full albums. I DO NOT SUPPORT SUNSHINEJUNO, AND THIS AU WAS MADE COMPLETELY SEPARATE AND WITHOUT THE KNOWLEDGE THAT SSJ CAME UP WITH THE CONCEPT FIRST.

3. Other AUs, mainly CCCC. If you have AU designs or a HMSona you would like to see in my sprite style, feel free to contact me, with their full designs. You may also submit your own art, but keep in mind I will be moderating these. Make sure to label them properly, and make sure they’re appropriate.

4. Other artwork. This includes the banner, icon, and other miscellaneous art relating to the CJCS.

5. Other fun stuff! After the above things are done, I may start making object sprites and backgrounds! Don’t count on that for a while, though.

Feel free to message me if you have questions!


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