By_Your_Side's icon By_Your_Side

TW - This paragraph is about why Lotus tried to overdose, proceed with caution

"Well, it's for a number of things," Lotus stated, squeezing the slug plushie tight to keep calm, "I felt like no matter what I did, it wasn't enough. It felt like I was always on thin ice, waiting for that time it cracks and sends me under." She closed her eyes, not being able to look at her best friend anymore. However, she still went on, "I had that feeling where I simply didn't want to exist, I wanted to disappear one day or go to sleep and never wake up. I didn't tell anyone about it because I thought I would lose them or they would be disgusted at me, so I bottled everything up until everything became a painful blur and I wanted to end it all."
☆ Part 4 ☆


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