Pizza Tower Expanded Comic Studio Pizza Tower Expanded Comic Studio
We're almost at 90 followers! :D

We're almost at 90 followers! :D

Pizza Tower Expanded Comic Studio를 사용하여 만든

시리즈 중 일부

Pizza Tower Deluxe

LazloFan32 Spongebob Happy Tree Friends Miiverse Silver Trophy KRIS
에서 만든

Man, I really miss those days of drawing on that. I still have the Nintendo DS, but it's out of battery LOL (I don't know if I have a charger for it somewhere in my house XD.), I also used to play Mario Kart and New Super Mario Bros on there (I was really good at Mario Kart XD!)! :D
Peppino: Hopefully by the time we get to the last class, we can answer more questions on our QnA.! c:


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