charitysfoxes's icon charitysfoxes Nomnomnom

willow cookie pfp has r e t u r n e d but n e w :D (i used to have a drawing of willow cookie as my pfp like a year ago and said it'd return sometime but better, so that is now!! sorry SEC lol)

i could post the full image, but at some point, i want to use it to make a comic for if willow actually had a gacha animation from a pull in CRK (except not actually animated) because i've had the idea for a while and i find things like that fun to do!! don't have a specific time for when i'll do that though :]

alSo there was some new piggy lore we got the other day with some litttleeee hints about TIO's past as well as finley being a cowar- b r a v e character so yessSS more lore for me to think about 👀 (still patiently waiting for intercity guys)

have a greeeaaaatttt dayyyyy :D


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