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friendly reminder that you can talk about whatever your interests are, no matter how stupid or silly you think it is.

will everyone understand it? no. we all have our own hyperfixations and interests as well and come to this site from anywhere, but that shouldn't stop you from talking about what you love.

now is it always a form of media? absolutely not. it can be simple things that you hyperfixate on as well, and that's perfectly fine! talk about that simple thing, go on an hour ramble about it! make a comic! do anything (within the rules)!

especially if it brings you comfort. we all have our reasons to love the things we love, whether it's significant or we just think it's neat.

it's ok that people may not get it. it's ok if the community of said thing is small or almost nonexistent.

its what you enjoy. and you should be happy that you can find things like that.


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