charitysfoxes's icon charitysfoxes Nomnomnom

if you're curious why i have yet to finish the zee & zuzy cookie sprites and other things, the reason is of course that i am also working on some other things as of now aaaa

sometimes i randomly make (un)funny stupid videos using sprites that i show someone, and im working on part two to one thats like 6 minutes long now, and progress is kinda slow on it lol. maybeee if i feel like it some day, i'd share it with you all, but probably not soon haha (the only other info i will give you about it is stitchy bear french fries.)

so im doing that for fun and am also doubting and confusing myself with art (would elaborate on that but it would fill up this entire post and seem ridiculous). still just trying to chill and not try to do so many ideas at the same time, though it's hard :'D

when i finish that silly video, then i will finish the piggy cookie sprites (will have a mandatory teaser for that on ?? alt soon), do some other sprite thing, sprite suggestions, and i also need to do another cringe cookie lore comic before it has been too long. and in between, i shall make casual comics, doodles, and will also make a little comic for ruby lobelia and blue iris' release anniversary thingy :]



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