SML Comic Studio
Jeffy's Train Trouble

Jeffy's Train Trouble

From SML Comic Studio

by Macleod28 LGBTQ+ Alphabet Lore Danganronpa Pac-Man Roblox Larva Transformers Rat King Great Value You Tried dido YouTube
Shared May 26, 2024 at 5:23 PM

Junior was annoyed that Jeffy blew the train whistle, causing Junior to wake up, Marvin Grounded Jeffy for 12 weeks, Later that night, Jeffy dreamed that He Was driving the Jeffy Express, by Using A 2-8-4 Berkshire Locomotive, But All the sudden, a fallen tree was on the tracks, Jeffy uses the brakes to slow the train down, but then he later crashed, Did Jeffy had his nightmare?


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