Total Crumble Drama Comic Studio
Task 3.8 [Total Crumble Drama] He Who Leaves Hosts

Task 3.8 [Total Crumble Drama] He Who Leaves Hosts

From Total Crumble Drama Comic Studio

Part of the series

Total Crumble Drama [Alive] Stuff

Soā€¦I might have lied abt Task 3.7 being the last partā€¦itā€™s actually Task 3.8. [Also Iā€™m on mobile thatā€™s why itā€™s short] Also I canā€™t mention Robin cuz sheā€™s annoyed about the pings so srry :(

@ /Robin_
@Ghost_ghoul2 - @Ghost_ghoul
@octoteen - @Y2D_BOT


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