StarNuggs's icon StarNuggs Nonbinary KinitoPET dido


What we saw was strange. Jax pointed out a sign, we couldn't read it and we stepped closer, I laughed at first because the sign reminded me of a meme but then Jax and I read it out loud at the same time. "Warning, thief in the area, if you see anything weird, contact the police
immediately."* My heart sank in my stomach. "What the fuck?" I said. "Yeah, that's weird as hell." Jax says, Javyn nodding in agreement. "It might be old, I mean, it looks pretty old-" I try to calm us down. We just waked away. We kept seeing these missing cat signs and Jax kept taking them down because he's a dick. We kept going. To one of the light poles, there was another missing sign but it was on the ground in the grass. Note that these were stapled good. "Weird.." I mumbled and Jax took that one. It looked just like the others but it was still pretty weird.



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