syrupyy's icon syrupyy Verified User Bisexual Nonbinary Whipped Coffee Enjoyer Nomnomnom

also, let me just say this:
I understand that artists are sorta disappointed that the new update takes away attention from their work. I've made concessions with the art community in the past: adding the tags system, adjusting the Hot Comics algorithm, the new settings that let you get rid of borders... however, those concessions are just that: concessions. while artists will always be welcome to post their art here, they've never really been the main audience, and this is just one symptom of that

most of why I made Cookie Comic Creator was because I'm... not a great artist, exactly. I wanted a way for people like me to get out their ideas without having to spend years learning perspective, colors, line width, anatomy, etc. it wasn't supposed to be something you slaved away on, it was a sketchpad to throw together a concept in a few minutes. and when I made Comic Studio, I'd hoped to extend that by making a platform that incentivized ideas, rather than effort. if you go back to when Comic Studio first released on the Wayback Machine, you can see just that: a hot page mostly filled with what people thought was funny that day

so, what happened? well, with the addition of all these new social features and more people joining the site, the popular section slowly went from a place to share ideas to a place where users did whatever got the most engagement, a sad conclusion that most social media ends up at. in CS's case, that usually meant posting art... and again, I'm not saying that's bad! I'm saying: when I intentionally add a feature that empowers both artists and non-artists - and instead of using it to its fullest by drawing animations or spending the same amount of time on a detailed flipbook, you complain about having more competition in the rankings - maybe you should take a step back and rethink why you're doing art. because if it's for the validation, you will burn out eventually (1/4)


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